A post by Ala Mathias on his social media handle reported that a guy whose name withheld has allegedly killed his girlfriend for cheating on him. The incident happened yesterday night 14th April, 2019 at about 11:00pm in a community Called Oluasiri, Nembe Local Government Area, Bayelsa State.

The report says the young guy shot at the face of his girlfriend with a gun and she died immediately. That He killed her because she allegedly cheated on him.

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Another source says the young man is not yet to recognizes by the girl’s parents as their to be in-law. And that he’s not paid dime on the woman he cut her life short for cheating on him.

“A lady whom you have not even paid the bride Price and you killed her because of suspect of cheating as if he was a virgin before he met her and as if he is not cheating?” Mathias reacted to the unfortunate incident.

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More details later. ..See Photos below:


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