By: Kola Oredipe 

The mood in Central Senatorial district of Bayelsa State is that the “Chicken” is coming home to roost.

For Timipre Sylva and APC, their wrongdoings against the party’s 2019 Governorship flag bearer, Chief David Lyon have come back to cause them problems.

Bayelsa Central, made up of Yenagoa, Southern Ijaw and Kolokuma/Opokuma local Government areas, are homes of votes during any general elections in the State.

Political analysts say that the “sole ownership” posture of Chief Sylva, and alleged clamped down on his 2019 flag bearer, Chief David Lyon, has brought more rumblings within the ranks.

Lyon, was stripped of his crude oil surveillance contract and denied the 2023 governorship ticket in a more embarrassing manner. The argument was that Lyon, should have been given the opportunity of the “first right of refusal.”

Lyon teeming supporters are angry and have vowed to dealt Sylva and APC a huge blow during the November elections. They have also rejected the choice of Joshua Maciver as Sylva’s running.

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Maciver was allegedly picked without proper consultation with the APC Southern Ijaw LGA stakeholders.

Gov. Diri of the PDP has however attained a friendly/brotherly posture before the Southern Ijaw people with deployment of projects and completion of others.

Among the projects deployed to Bayelsa Central and Southern Ijaw LGA is the 22.2km Yenagoa-Oporoma-Ukubie Road valued at N31.4bn.

Also, the Prosperity Government is prepared to begin construction of road from Oporoma to Otuan and Ondewari. Equally, preparation is ongoing to commence construction of road from Angiama to Eniwari community.

In Yenagoa LGA, the 10.2km dual carriageway Glory Drive Road valued and the 21km Igbogene-AIT/Elebele outer ring road are exciting to the people.

While Governor Douye Diri of the PDP has gained ground with the deployment of projects and infrastructure in the district, the APC and Sylva are busy “buying” expired politicians with money and armed security.

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Gov. Douye Diri, who is from the Central Senatorial district, has built structure, unity and party cohesion.

The outcome of the last election, in which the PDP clinched all the National Assembly seats is a proof of the political desterity of Gov. Diri and his party in the State.

The Director, New Media, Dr. Kola Oredipe, said the Governor had done so well to earn a second term in office.

Oredipe emphasised that within the last three years in office, the governor had embarked on key projects and infrastructure covering roads, education, security and welfare of civil servants and pensioners.

He stated that with over 85 per cent electoral success in the last general election, Governor Diri is poised for victory and get a second term in the November 11, 2023 gubernatorial election’s in the State.

“I can tell you that if election is conducted today, Governor Douye Diri will win in all the eight local government areas of Bayelsa State regardless of where the other candidates come from. The project Bayelsa is very key to him and he feels very strongly about it.”

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“He restored peace and order to the State on assumption of office. Infrastructure wise, roads, education, sports, empowerment and different skills acquisition programmes, he has done so much in all these areas. Wherever you go, everybody is singing Governor Douye Diri for second term.”

“Having been a public servant, a teacher,a private businessman with rich experience in politics, Commissioner, Deputy Chief of Staff, Principal Executive Secretary, House of Reps member and Senator and now Governor, it’s not surprising that he has been able to achieve a lot,” Oredipe said.

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