An affixed photograph of Gabriel Oghenevwayerhe David and Senator Douye Diri, the Bayelsa State PDP gubernatorial candidate.


… A Mission To Tackle Key Issues Confronting The Progress Of Bayelsa State.

By Gabriel Oghenevwayerhe David.

It is not newsworthy that the cyber space of Bayelsa State is colossally dominated by the boiling political ambiance of the oil rich state, given the fact that it is less than 65 days to her gubernatorial elections.

While many political dramas have greeted the body polity of the state over the just concluded primaries of the both major contending political parties, the incumbent in the state PDP and the incumbent at the central APC , many of the social media handlers both the honchos and lightweights of either sides, but most particularly, those of the All Progressive Congress have rather failed to intimate the cyber space with an exclusive manifesto sheltering the master plan of their candidate for Bayelsans to peruse and make swift decisions.

However, sadly to note, they have kept orchestrating, propagating, castigating and capitalising on cheap political innuendos geared at scoring only a languorous points which are down-and-out at mere arrival.

Having chosen not to tow the same path with those shying away from an issued-based campaign because they have plausibly nothing to offer, I have deemed it expedient to intimate the cyber space most especially Bayelsans with the mission statement of the standard bearer of the Peoples Democratic Party, Sen. Douye Diri, and as well glaringly articulate it’s promising benefits and why Bayelsans can take it to the bank.

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The mission of the standardbearer of the PDP, clearly states that

“One- Local Government Area – One-Industry’ (1LG1I) is my mission, which aims to build on the Restoration Government’s momentum toward sustainable growth, fill key gaps in planning and set the stage for a more promising future for Bayelsa State and her people”

Borrowing a leaf from the above statement, one could easily deduced that, it is not a far reaching goal, for the fact the Douye Diri’s Prosperity government would be taking consolidating measures which is the surest and fastest means of ensuring a sustainable growth and development in any society as it is no gainsaying that ‘Rome Was Not Built In A Day’.

Expounding on the forgoing, It is not enough to promise a Heaven on Earth agenda as some aspirants did and others are still professing, but the key actualization plan is what matters.

One-Local Government Area, One-Industry (1L1I) If actualised, will amongst other things bring to bear;

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1 – Industrialisation of Bayelsa State; The (1L1I) plan, if Sen. Douye Diri is elected, will industrialise Bayelsa state as every local government area will have her own industry which in no time will metamorphosed Bayelsa State into a hub of industries.

2- Urbanization Of The Near-Urban Towns/Urban Encroachment: You will agree with me that Bayelsa State is mainly dominated by tropical villages and near-urban towns. The (1L1I) plan if actualised, will not only attract agglomeration economies but will as well herald an even development of such areas, creating new market structures and ventures for private entrepreneurs, thereby making an urban lifestyle inevitable.

3- Curb Security Challenges in Yenagoa: It is glaringly conspicuous that one of the major causes of the security challenges confronting the Bayelsa State capital today, is the influx of various jobless youths from the creeks in quest for greener pastures. If Sen. Douye Diri is elected, the (1L1I) plan will orchestrate the industrialisation of the rural areas which will create formidable and meaningful engagements for most of the youths reciding in Yenagoa outside the town, and this would see them migrating back to their locality for meaningful job engagements, thereby leaving the Yenagoa City less saturated with crime and other security quagmires.

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4- Employment Creation: One of the national issue develing Bayelsa State which is very contumacious and thus heralding other social issues, is the alarming rate of unemployment. The (1L1I) plan when achieved, will go a very long way to not only ameliorate but also serve as an antidote to this problem as there would be massive employment not only at the central but in every sphere of the state.

5-Building of Link Roads In The Local Areas; The (1L1I) plan when achieved, will create many link roads in the rural areas as there will be need for these industries to fetch raw materials from the locality and also channel transportation for various commercials into such areas.

On the above background, I crave the indulgence of every Bayelsan to key into this Prosperity agenda for the actualisation of the above elucidated benefits of the (1L1I) agenda by voting for Sen. Douye Diri of the People’s Democratic Party as it the only way to consolidate on the achievement of the successive governments and keep Bayelsa working.



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