..Says He Is Infamous For Mismanagement Of State Resources 

YENAGOA-Bight Newspaper reports that the Bayelsa State Governor, Senator Douye Diri, candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in the forthcoming governorship elections in the State has reacted to remarks made by the candidate of the frontline opposition party, APC, Chief Timipre Sylva during the inauguration of the party’s campaign council on Friday in Yenagoa.

The Governor who responded to Sylva’s claims through a statement issued by his Spokesman, Mr. Daniel Alabrah, described the APC candidate who was former Governor of the state and former Minsiter of Petroleum as one who bayelsans infamously remember for profligacy and mismanagement of resources.

The statement reads “It is a sad reality that when people set bad examples when they are given responsibility, they resort to giving good advice. It is simply laughable that Sylva would accuse somebody else of lack of vision. This is a man that had the opportunity of being governor of our state for five years and later became a Minister for almost four years. Yet there is no outstanding, positive legacy to his name.


“In Bayelsa, he is infamously remembered for profligacy, mismanagement of our resources, encouraging cultism and creating a special security outfit that was anti-people. Having governed the state, it is easier to compare and contrast. And Gov. Diri stands far above him in governance.

“It is equally as preposterous for Sylva to talk about gas utilisation for power. As Minister of State for Petroleum Resources, how well did he or the administration under which he served utilise gas to provide power for Nigerians? The country is still largely in darkness with the national grid collapsing frequently. So, this is mere political talk that cannot sway anybody conversant with the power sector in the country.

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“It is also not true that the previous government sold the state’s gas turbine. Instead, Sylva allowed the turbine to collapse during his administration and then brought the state under the national grid. If the turbine was functional, would there have been need for the state to be connected to the national grid at that time?

“Now the governor he accuses of incompetence and lack of vision has not only commenced rehabilitation of the gas turbine but he is also increasing its capacity from 70mw to 120mw in addition to building of a smart pre-paid metering plant.

“If the APC candidate says Yenagoa does not look like a state capital, the question he should answer is what was his input as governor for five years to change the face of the capital city? Is it not funny that he blames a man that has just spent three-and-a-half years as governor when he had no outstanding legacy to show in Yenagoa for a longer period?

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“Development is a process and Governor Diri understands this. That is why he has continued with projects inherited from previous administrations in the state, including completing the Nembe Unity Bridge in Sylva’s hometown that he abandoned.

“So far, Bayelsans know and feel the impact of the Diri administration and they will not be swayed by Sylva’s political talk.” He concluded.

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