
The Governor of Bayelsa State, Hon. Henry Seriake Dickson whose mother, Mrs. GoldCoast Dickson was laid to rest in Toru – Angiama, Patani Local Government Area, Delta State on the 8th of December 2018 has expressed gratitude to friends, associates and cronies for their immense contributed to the successes of the funeral rites, which was well attended by prominent personalities from all walks of life.

In statement the Governor released a moment ago in his twitter handle reads:

” It is with deep sense of gratitude and warm appreciation that I write to appreciate all who found time to grace the funeral rites of my late mother, Mrs. Goldcoast Dickson.”

The Governor who prayed God to reward friends, associates and all those that played critical role (s) that ensured a befitting burial for his mother, Mrs. GoldCoast Dickson said their contributions and sacrifices are well acknowledged.

His words: “Be rest assured, my Country People that your sacrifice in that regard has not passed unnoticed, even as I pray that God will continue to bless you exceedingly well.”

Bight News

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