Stephanie Idolor

Viral VIDEO: Stephanie, Lady Behind Success’ Viral Video Receives N2m Mercyland Pastor

Bight News reports that, Miss Stephanie Idolor, the lady that captured little Success in the viral video that brought her to limelight has reportedly received two million naira from Apostle Jeremiah Fufeyin of Mercyland in Warri.

Succcess & Stephanie

A serving youth Corper clad in her uniform, Stephanie Idolor who had earlier called out Adegors for not showing appreciation, received the money from the cleric during the Sunday service.

READ ALSO:  Wife Of Prophet Jeremiah Gives Stephanie N1m For Videotaping Success' Viral Video (WATCH VIDEO)

The benevolence of Apostle Jeremiah’s offer should be able to quench Stephanie’s loggerhead with the Adegors for not compensating her when goodwill started flowing after her video of their daughter went viral.

Details later. ..

Bight News

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