20 Health Benefits Of Honey You Didn’t Know


Loaded with therapeutic properties, honey has been used for skin care and well-being since ages. Its benefits vary from lowering blood sugar levels to aiding in weight-loss. This is the reason instead of sugar, weight-watchers foods that contain raw honey. A few others benefits include:

Honey is loaded with humectant compounds (a compound that helps in retaining moisture). It helps in retaining the moisture content in skin. It also helps in restoring elasticity of skin and makes it glowing and supple.

As a great product for skin, applying honey on your face helps in removing dead skin cells and prevent wrinkles. Enriched with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, using honey prevents the growth of bacteria. Hence, applying honey on wounds, cuts, abrasions and burns can help in faster healing process.

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Apart from healing wounds and cuts, honey helps in healing pus, lessens pain and promotes speedy recovery.

Honey helps in regenerating new skin cells. It is used to treat damaged skin and cure various skin problems such as eczema, dermatitis and other skin disorders.

As it has anti-fungal properties, it can also cure infections such as jock itch, athlete foot and fungal infection on foot.

Honey is loaded with natural anti-oxidants. Hence, it protects skin from UV rays and skin damage.

Also, over exposure to sun can cause premature aging and skin damage. So, applying honey on your face can protect you from these harmful radiations. Before sleeping, apply honey on your face for 15 minutes and then wash it off. Another way to prevent you skin from UV rays is applying a thin layer of raw honey for 15 minutes and then rinse your face thoroughly before you go out in sun.

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The nutrients present in honey helps in deeply penetrating the skin’s top layer, unclogs pores and sloughs off impurities. Hence, it helps in fighting against skin infections and curb acne problems.

Honey effectively tones and firms up your skin.

Applying honey on chapped and wrinkled lips make them smooth and soft.

Honey contains glucose, fructose and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium chlorine, sulphur, iron and phosphate. Thus, replacing it with sugar provide number of health benefits and keep blood sugar level under control.

Honey also contains vitamins B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3. These vitamins may vary according to the quality of nectar and pollen. Also, a small amount of copper, iodine, and zinc also exist in honey. And all these nutrients are essential for our well-being.

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As honey contains glucose and fructose, carbohydrates in these forms supply energy to the body, boost endurance and reduce muscle fatigue.

Drinking honey in the morning helps relieving morning sickness.

Consuming honey regularly also increases our body’s calcium absorption power. It increases haemoglobin count which further helps in fighting anaemia.

Honey helps in lowering total cholesterol while increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.

Consuming honey helps in treating respiratory tract infections. It also prevents the recurrence of infections.

Honey helps in modulating our immune system.

Not known to many, but consuming honey plays a pivotal role in managing obesity. As it accelerates metabolism, honey helps in burning your body fat.

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