Sen. Douye Diri, PDP Candidate, Bayelsa State

Sen. Douye Diri Manifesto: Executive Summary

“Forward Together – 2020 Partnership for PROSPERITY”

To quote John Wesley, “One of the principal tenets of religion is, to lose no occasion of serving God. And, since he is invisible to our eyes, we are to serve him in our neighbour; which he receives as if done to himself in person, standing visibly before us.” I am Senator Douye Diri, and I offer my experience and knowledge to serve as governor of Bayelsa State. My desire and passion for impacting lives is shaped by my years of public service, love of sports and by my Christian faith.

Bayelsa is on the move towards a new frontier of prosperity in which all its citizens, young, old, male, female, rural, urban and backgrounds must be empowered to realize their full potential, live with satisfaction and pride.
Given the goals we have set, what are the broad strategic initiatives we can take to achieve them?


“Forward Together:–2020 Partnership for PROSPERITY”, is my proposal, which will build on the Restoration Government’s momentum toward sustainable growth, fill key gaps in planning and set the stage for a more promising future for Bayelsa State and her people. As envisioned, it targets a secure, industrialized and prosperous Bayelsa State which will “leave no one left behind”.


‘One- Local Government Area – One-Industry’ (1LG1I) is my mission, which aims to build on the Restoration Government’s momentum toward sustainable growth, fill key gaps in planning and set the stage for a more promising future for Bayelsa State and her people:-

1 – Industrialize the state, from the local government level, by driving linkages to agriculture and other natural resources we possess.


2 – Create at least one industry or establishment of a viable business hub/economic zone, in each of the 8 local governments and 16 proposed Development Acceleration Zones (DAZs).

3 – Improve our economic structures

4 – Generate job opportunities for our large youthful population.

5 – Diversify and wean ourselves from dependency on the monthly federal allocation and evolve a Bayelsa State beyond oil.

6 – Mature the local economy through the enhanced production of raw materials and value added goods and services, driven principally by the private sector, for local consumption and international export.

7 – Agriculture – We will support the sector with high-yield seeds, modern technology, including machinery to sterilize, strip, digest and press crops; along with tractors, pick-ups and trucks to prepare the land and transport the crop to the factories.

8 – Aquaculture – Bayelsa has a rich riverine and estuarine setting. I aim to improve the regulatory framework to attract more private investment into the aquaculture sector in Bayelsa, because it holds a huge potential to diversify and drive economic growth and will offer a major developmental opportunity for alleviating rural poverty in particular.

9 – Sports – Bayelsa State is renowned for excellence in sports, especially in swimming and wrestling. We will build Sports Villages across the 8 LGs and 16 DAZs, which will offer top-level sports facilities, including Olympic size swimming pools, wrestling auditoriums, full size football fields and fitness gyms to tap potential talent to produce national and international champions.

10 – Tourism – Located entirely below sea level with a network of meandering creeks and mangrove swamps, Bayelsa State offers a panoramic and scenic view of the Atlantic ocean and such other attractions as; Kaiama Market, Nigeria’s First Oil Well, Oloibri, Mungo Park Residence, Akassa Slave Transit Camp and Tunnel, Akassa Wildlife Forest and Apoi Creek Forest provide low overhead attractions that we will mature under 1L1I initiative, by optimizing security, sanitizing and also beautifying our natural landmarks.

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Operational Framework and Policy

Empirical analysis reveals that successful industrialization is driven by a combination of factors, such as demographic structure, geography and other variables that policymakers can control such as infrastructure, security, taxation and investor confidence, play a crucial role.

I propose to actively facilitate a positive and supportive environment for economic development, working closely with the legislature to entrench the necessary laws.

International Partnerships

We will rigorously harness partnerships with key developed countries in Asia, including Korea, Japan and China, who have shown tremendous enthusiasm to help economies such as ours to emerge and the Diaspora Communities, projected $3 billion investment in Nigeria in the coming year.


The structure of the One LG One Industry will entail the setting up of a 7 member Economic Acceleration Bureaus (EABs), answerable to the governor, with mandate of ensuring seamless provision of power, transportation, security, logistics and innovations to ensure maximum productivity. The persons nominated for this important assignment will be drawn from within the economic zones and properly trained so that they can effectively discharge the mandate.


We intend to raise capital towards funding for the 1L1I program initially from Pubic Private Partnerships (PPP, 3P or P3), which will help us leverage the expertise and efficiency of the private sector.

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Power Supply

Lack of power dampens economic activity and holds back growth. Providing the energy needed to support development at an acceptable cost, and ensuring that it is used efficiently, while protecting the local environment, is a huge challenge we recognize and are fully prepared to surmount.


Technology is the primary source in economic development and has been useful in helping people to communicate with one another, access market information, sell products across geographic areas, get to new consumers, enter mobile payment systems, reduce fraud and crime, and empowers women and the disadvantaged.


Guaranteed Employment Targeting Youth (GET Youth) – My GET Youth strategy offers forward-looking recommendations for a broad range of initiatives in addressing youth empowerment and employment issues. I commit that my first four years in office will be devoted and notable in “Harnessing the Dividends inherent in Investments in Youth”.

SECURITY plus Development – The Virtuous Cycle

Deficits in safety, security and social justice add to poverty and I see these as moral rights and inherent to development. I will advocate for State Police, Community Policing through traditional rulers and opinion leaders.


This effort is about empowering the people of Bayelsa State to participate in driving sustainable prosperity for their local governments and communities. The time is now to work together even more closely to achieve the emerging vision of working today to build the community of tomorrow.

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