Archbishop Dr. R. O. Adigbo JP addressing the congregation

…Recounts his life and time

St. Lazarus Africa Arhavbarien (1918-1975)_ Founder and first bishop of St.Lazarus Christ Church New Bethel

The chief clergy who is the Archminister and general overseer of St.Lazarus Christ Church New Bethel, Archbishop Dr. Roland. O. Adigbo JP, has described St.Lazarus Africa Arhavbarien(1918-1975); his grand-predressor and founder of the aforenamed church, as a prophetic titan and that he received a copy of the Holy Bible from Jesus Christ in a village called Omafuvwe in Delta State.

The statement which was made by the clergyman during the occasion of the mission’s most epoch annual program, the Christian Feast of Dedication cum the 44th Memorial Service of the Church’s founder on Wednesday night baffles all present and got many marvelled.

Archbishop Dr R. O. Adigbo JP made the statement open to newsmen while speaking on the life and time of his founder and grand-predecessor in an address issued during the night vigil of the 44th memorial occasion.

The statement reads “Blessed be the name of the Lord who has made this night a reality for us to have gathered here today to celebrate this year’s Christian Feast Of Dedication themed ‘PEACE BE STILL’ and the 44th memorial service of a distinguished servant of the Lord, our spiritual mentor and founder of our mission; His Holiness, St. Lazarus Africa Arhavbarien through whom countless number of souls are being liberated and won for our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ using evangelical, spiritual teachings, prophetic utterances and deliverance services as weapons which accompanied great signs and wonders here in Africa especially in Urhobo and Isoko lands.”

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Describing the Feast of Dedication as a festival of light. he added that“ The feast of Dedication is known theologically as the festival of light (Hanukkah) and it was celebrated to commemorate the purification, cleansing, and rededication of the temple of God(John 10:22).”

“But today this festival is not just being celebrated for the Israelites’ bricks temple as St. Paul made it crystal clear that the bodies of the children of God are the temple of God and the spirit of God dwelleth in them (1Cor 3:16).” He emphasized.

The congregation during the night vigil

While speaking about the early life vicissitudes of St. Lazarus, Archbishop Dr. R. O. Adigbo JP quickened the congregation to note that his grand-predecessor ventured into the teaching profession before he fully engaged in his earthly assignment.

“Ladies and gentlemen, His Holiness St. Lazarus Africa Arhavbarien; and First Bishop of this Christ Church now St. Lazarus Christ Church New Bethel was born with the spirit of God and this made him extremely sound academically. After his academic pursuit in Ewu, Warri, and Onitsha as God is the author of all knowledge. ”

“His academic intelligence coupled with his father’s financial expectations prompted his venturing into the teaching profession where he ascended to the position of a headmaster while at Ekiugbo Primary School in Ughelli town, in the Midwestern region.” He said.

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Enumerating how St.Lazarus began his evangelical and miraculous feats, the New Bethel boss said“ Later on, as the divine mission assigned him by Jesus his master was ripe; God afflicted him with an idiopathic illness which prompted him and his wife to leave Ekiugbo Ughelli to Omafuvwe village of Ewu Clan to see his earthly parents.”

“Baba Lazarus, the Prophetic titan received a copy of the ‘HOLY BIBLE’ which is unique in every aspect from his master-Jesus Christ in a village called Omafuvwe in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State to commence this mission as far back as early 1940s and he spent over forty (40) years of his life working for the Lord in this ministry. ” He added.

“While, in that village, on a certain night, the Lord Jesus appeared to him standing on a plantain wing and told him how He has afflicted him with the illness because he had neglected the divine task for teaching and wanted to know if he would resume the celestial work of preaching Him, after answering in affirmative, He commanded him to be healed.”

“He also pointed at a location close to the father’s house in the village and asked him to go and pick up a copy of the Holy Bible which He(Jesus) has brought to him with which he shall evangelize and win souls to God. This is the genesis of the missionary assignment of Baba Lazarus on earth.” He emphasized.

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Revealing the end the of St. Lazarus’ assignment on earth Archbishop Dr. R. O. Adigbo JP pointed that St.Lazarus engaged in a four year long crusade trip ranging from sapele through Benin city from 1970 to 1974 and after, he handed over the leadership of the church to his 29 years servant and was transited gloriously two months later.

“His last crusade trips were in Sapele, Agbor, Oginibo, and Benin City respectively within 1970 to 1974.”

“While aware of his imminent home call, and to ensure continuity of the works of the Lord, St.Lazarus consecrated His Grace Archbishop Brownson E. Omote ( Of blessed memory) as his successor in December 1974, but told the church he was to embark on overseas trip. He did this to keep his demise in obscurity. ” He said.

“So, the Prophetic icon was transited gloriously after shouting three (3) victorious Halleluiah at 4:00pm on February 13th 1975.” He added.

Recounting his achievement in 2018, the super clergy said
“Last year, our evangelical crusades started with Eku, then we moved on to Abraka, Oria, Obiaruku, Ofuoma, Otorho-Agbon, Kokori, and the Lord used His powers to establish branches in all these towns. To God be the glory.” He concluded.


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