L-R Blessing Idjesa, Archbishop Dr. R. O. Adigbo JP, and the Ex-MD Egbawegba Alex Idjesa

…Narrates What Occasioned His Actions

DELTA- Bightnews correspondent reports that the former Musical Director of one St. Lazarus Christ Church New Bethel Int’l Inc. Evang. Egbawegba Alex Idjesa has retraced his steps back to the church during the Sabbath service at the headquarters in Ewu, Ughelli South Delta State on Saturday.

The sudden appearance of Evangelist Egbawegba who had backslided for over Six (6) years ago at the headquarters on Saturday was surprising to the whole congregation as it thrown the house into the ambiance of a mixed feeling of euphoria mingled with soberness.

Bight news gathered that Egbawegba Idjesa who was appointed as the Musical Director of the mission in 2008, voluntarily refrained from his duties and stopped attending major functions of the church when needed without giving any reasons for such and that the negligent act had continued in him for over 6 years until he was however seen in the company of his immediate younger sister, Blessing Idjesa whom had also reportedly retarded in faith over a year now, worshiping at the headquarters on Saturday.

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Speaking during the service, the ex-MD said his coming back to church was predestined as it is consequent upon a counseling given to his younger sister (Blessing) by an unknown man of God in Kwale whom through prophetic utterances told them the relevance of St.Lazarus New Bethel to the achievement of their destiny collectively.

He went further to established that he has pledged total commitment to the Church and her activities and would give no further room to backsliding.

Blessing Idjesa who allowed the congregation to hear from the horses mouth said “ I went to a church program with my friend in Kwale, then when it was time for prayers the man of God just walked straight to where I was seating, and he started prophesying to me”.

“The Man said, I have an elder brother with whom I had been attending a particular church with, I nodded in affirmation. He then cautioned that I and my elder brother should return to that church without wasting time that the church is the home of our soul, where we can make progress in life”. She added.

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Going further, the younger sister also elucidated that the man of God at Kwale also told them to locate the right faction of the church otherwise reffered to as New Bethel where they should worship thence forth and they should render a song of repentance upon their arrival at the church headquarters.

“The man also said that, the church has two faction but we should go to the side which is called New Bethel and worship there and that we should also sing a song for a show of repentance before the General overseer when we get there” She said.

While receiving the duo, the General overseer of the church Archbishop Dr. R. O. Adigbo JP reminded the congregation that the former MD and his sister were a product of God’s miracle as they were both born into the church with the miraculous power of God with the help of his predecessor.

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He emphasized that, the name Egbawegba was given to the former MD by the departed general overseer because of the dreadful incidents that greeted his birth and infantry.

The Archbishop therefore welcome and received them with prayers and admonished them against further backsliding noting that the place of God in our lives should never be despised no matter how far one may go.

Responding to the coming back of the ex-MD , the church members, relatives and well wishers exhibited a high level of joy and at the same reflection of sobber over the prophecy that occasioned their standing up to feet again.


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