…Says It Has Root With Paganism

Bight Newspaper reports that the General Overseer of St. Lazarus Christ Church New Bethel Int’l Inc, a Christian denomination whose headquarters is situated at Ewu-Urhobo, Ughelli South LGA Delta State, His Grace, Archbishop Dr. R. O. Adigbo JP has vehemently condemned the celebration of Christmas and birthdays, stressing that it is rooted with paganism.

The man of God who heavily decried Christians who involved in the celebrations of birthdays and Christmas in his message during the Crossover ALL-NIGHT of the church at its headquarters in Ewu on Tuesday last week, revealed that it is rooted with paganism as it has no biblical trace to the favour of Christianity, adding that “neither Jesus Christ nor his disciples celebrated their birthdays nor in any of the scriptures instructed Christians to celebrate same.”

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He exhumed that there are only two accounts of birthdays celebrations throughout the holy book both in the Old and New Testaments, and that the both celebrations were held at the instance of paganic monarchs(Pharoah of Egypt and Herod of Judea) which ended in bloodbath respectively.

He referenced Genesis 40:20-22 and Matthew 14:6-12 respectively to back his claims on the above, adding that it is the same spirit of death that hovers around consequently increasing death tolls every December during the period of Christmas.

Decrying Birthday celebrations, the Archbishop further revealed that God values the day of one’s death than the day of birth (Psalms 116:15), stressing that the value of one’s life can not be estimated from the day he was born but until his death, referencing Ecclesiastes Chapter 7 verses 1 and 2, Job 3:1-3, Numbers 23:10b.

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The super clergy who lamented that Christians were only fooled into the paganic feast(Christmas) for the avoidance of sound doctrine questioned why the supposed celebration of the saviour of the World should annually be followed with all manner of vices and sins; drunkenness, fornication, adultery, recklessness, broken homes for inability to afford bills, inflation, gory deaths etc.

He quoted 2 Timothy 4:3-4, which says, “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”

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Revealing how much the world has perverted the truth of the gospel, Archbishop Adigbo further lamented that Easter celebration which was biblically instructed does not receive 30% of engagement of festivities as much as Christmas do.

Concluding his message, Archbishop Adigbo however cautioned that people should take seriously only what is instructed of God and do not stand deceived with worldliness as he quickened Christians to be consistent with the celebration of Easter( the death and suffering of Jesus) and the Holy Communion as that was what Jesus Christ instructed his disciples and even generations to come to keep and uphold. Luke 22: 16-19.


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