President Muhammadu Buhari

In another nationwide broadcast in the early hour of today Friday 22nd February, 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari has urged registered voters in Nigeria to come out en masse to vote in the tomorrow elections, which he described an encounter with history.

The President addressing Nigerians in a 7am Nationwide broadcast, allayed their fear over the security implications of his order during the polls, using the opportunity make them see the need to participate in the elections as their participation will strengthen the nation’s democracy.

“As your president, I hereby ask all Nigerians with voter card to participate in defining the future of our nation, by exercising their democratic right to vote.

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“I urged you all to go out and vote. Voting constitute highest and the best expression of the sovereign will of the people to choose a government that will best represent them”, Buhari said.

He added that the only a government enthroned by the sovereign will of the people will remain dedicated to their welfare, rights and development of Nigeria.

“Do not allow anyone to discourage you from exercising your right of voting tomorrow. To vote means you believe in Nigeria and what the future holds for this country” Buhari said.

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The President in a nationwide broadcast by 7am Friday 22nd February 2019, allayed the fear of most Nigerians as he asked security operatives to do their jobs professionally and diligently during and after the elections. He said Nigerian security personnel have worked and will ensure security of lives and properties during the elections.

This is coming few days after president Muhammadu Buhari gave an express order to security operatives to deal ruthlessly with anyone attempting to snatch ballot boxes during the February 23rd elections. It was part of statements he made during the All Progressive Congress (APC) caucus meeting in Abuja earlier this week.

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Recall that, President Muhammadu Buhari has addressed Nigerians three times within the space of one week, with regard to the 2019 general elections where he runs as a presidential candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC).

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